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    church of Christ 101


Here's some staples of the church of Christ:  


-it belongs to Christ (that's why it's named after Him) . it is the one church found in the Bible.  


-we believe in the trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). they are one, yet separate (hard to grasp as a human).


-we believe in the Bible alone. adding to or subtracting from it would be wrong. it was written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit and is the ultimate (the only) standard for living like Christ. no creed books or books written by uninspired men here.                                                                                                                                                                                

-we know that Jesus came to this earth, lived among men yet was sinless, and died on the cross (raising the third day!) to save us from our sins. we truly believe in the love & forgiveness of God!                                                                                                                                                                   

-we gather together to worship on the first day of the week (Sunday), as did the first century Christians (the one found in the Bible). we participate in five acts of worship: giving, singing, praying, preaching, and taking the Lord's supper. we do all of these because of the examples we find in the Bible. we also worship "in spirit and in truth", which means with our hearts and by the truth of God's word. we find according to their pattern that it was on every first day. they gave with a cheerful heart and as each one was blessed individually. they sang with the heart alone, not with instruments or other accompianment. they prayed to God and through the name of Jesus Christ. the preaching was in accordance (the same as) the Scriptures of the Bible. they took the Lord's supper (grape juice, small piece of unleavened bread) to remember the body and the blood of Jesus and how He died to save us from our sins. we worship Him.                                                                                                                                                                                

-in order to become a Christian, you must hear the word of God, believe that word, repent of your sins, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, be baptized for the remission of your sins, and remain faithful until death. then you will receive a home in Heaven with Him and other Christians. and life on earth is so, so much better with Him too!  


there are a lot of new things to learn in Christianity and I would love to study the Bible with you or talk to you more about Jesus. Do you have questions? I'd be more than happy to answer them. Please contact me if you would like to talk about absolutely anything. I would be thrilled to help you in your spiritual journey!  


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Emily has been a Christian since the age of fourteen when she was converted and baptized. She has been a faithful member ever since and is active in the church to this day. Her favorite book of the Bible is James, which she loves to reads over and over every year. Romans 8:28 is her all time favorite Biblical passage. 

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