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If you're here,

I'm pretty sure you know me. 

But, if not, that's okay too. I'm excited you're visiting my website. Number one, thanks! Number two, let me tell you a little about myself.


I'm Emily Nelson. I used to be Emily Moon (yes, like the one in the sky). I was born in Memphis, Tennessee and moved to Murfreesboro, Tennessee when I was six. I lived there from age six to eighteen, when I went off to college. I attended college in Henderson, Tennessee at Freed-Hardeman University, majoring in English and Human Development and minoring in Psychology. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in 2009. While attending college, I met the love of my life. We are so, so much alike, but still different enough to keep it fun. He is incredible in every way and I am truly the most blessed woman in the world. After getting married, I've been on a constant adventure with my best friend by my side. We have lived in my hometowns (Memphis & Murfreesboro), by the beach (Charleston, SC), in the snowy mountains (Denver, CO) and even in middle of nowhere Kentucky for a little while! Life has kept us changing and adapting and I wouldn't have it any other way. We are closer than I ever dreamed two people could be and our experiences have bonded us forever and ever. In case you haven't gathered yet, I LOVE my husband! Even more than my husband, I love God! I am a faithful member of the church of Christ and benefit so much from living the life of a Christian. It is truly the best there is!


A few more facts: I've lost a lot of people I loved. My daddy, grandaddy, and granny were three of the most important people in the world to me, and I lost them all at different times, each due to cancer. My granny died on Oct 6, 2000, my grandaddy on December 15, 2000, and my daddy on February 4, 2009 (six months after I got married). He got to walk me down the aisle and it was one of the highlights of my life. I also wrote a book called The Locket that has tributes to them all in it in different ways. You can find out more about that on the other sections of my website or by clicking the title/link above. I have my mom, my brother, one set of grandparents, lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins, and two nieces left, along with the majority of my husband's family also and am grateful for the family I have. 


I have a lot of hobbies I enjoy, some of which you can learn about more in expertise, but which include writing, reading, video making, website building, photography, organizing anything that can be organized, editing, planning, nannying, and lots more. I'll be 27 years old as of Feb 2014, but I like to pretend I am 21 part seven. :) I'm thankful for my great friendships that I cherish and for those who have positively influenced my life. Mostly, I am thankful to God, the giver of all good things, for He has given me lots and lots of good! 


Nice to meet you and enjoy exploring! :) 

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